Calming our spirits : the geese, ducks & sandhill cranes
It is time for the seasons to change and for calming to come to our spirits through the signs of springtime in Nebraska. It has been a long and snowy, icey winter so we are even more restless.
The geese have been here a month at the lake talking all night looking for open water. The sandhill cranes are starting to arrive on the Platte River and the surrounding area around Grand island -- and west about eighty miles for their annual visit to our area to rest, eat corn left in the fields, eat bugs and get fat for the fly north and they do their ghostlike grey mating dances in the marshy fields. They are an amazing site to behold. They have been doing this ritual for eons.
The ducks are here as usual as calm as ever and add to the mix of the Great American Flyway that comes through NE as the narrowest part of an hourglass to expland and fly north as they migrate. What hope all of this new life gives us in Nebraska and what a gift to the natural world!
You can hear the signs and sounds on the CRANE CAM at the Audubon Rowe Sanctuary! I will send the website for the cam and you can read the lively discussions and reflections from the Facebook too at Rowe Sanctuary... or just google Rowe Audubon Sanctuary or Rowe Sanctuary.
Enjoy spring coming wherever you are.. i think there are even some ;ittle signs of green and yellow life emerging in some daffodils coming up through the crusty snow ... our few solar lights to the front porch have emerged from the snow rather dirty and broken to shed more light now from my flower pots where i put them yesterday! Enjoy the calming sounds and signs of hope around us!