Ducks and Flowers

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

taking time for spiritual renewal -- emory B, grassroots art

What a great plant and symbol of Spiritual renewal! I am hoping i can do more of that this year! This plant is at the Grassroots Art Center, Lucas, Kansas a small town off the beaten path! (if i ever saw a place that was!)

To make a long story short: go to and visit yourself! We took a tour through this museum on main street and another house filled with RE BARBS (a woman who made great sculptures out of old BARBIE DOLLS!) that is right and she also makes UN CLOCKS!

Many of the artists at this museum started on their self taught art journeys after they retired! So i think there is hope for me yet to get back on my art journey I started as a child through high school and College with my Art major!

You will meet all kinds of artists if you go to this website or visit yourself sometime!

In addition, I told them about Emory Blagdon a grassroots artist from near North platte that I discovered while teaching Gifted students in Hershey, NE! They had not heard of him yet they said. I promised to send his name and info via email when I made it home.

I mentionned that there was an art show of his HEALING MACHINES in North platte and I took my students on a bus to see it and they even made their own HEALING MACHINES when we returned. He had a whole shed full of his healing machines that were saved after he died and now rest in a collection permanently! He often used metal things he found on his farm, colored lights, shiney pieces of junk or he would geometric designs on wood he found. He was self taught and he thought his Healing machines had healing powers!

We even made some healing machine for the principals offices and i received a healing machine of real flowers on a coat hanger after being sick with the flu at home -- it was from the school staff and the principal! They meant it to be a healing machine literally!

WE had a lot of fun with all of this because of hearing about EMORY Blagdon.. his art even was displayed in Lincoln at the NE Museum before leaving NE for a permanent collection and home.

I would urge you to GOOGLE : Emory Blagdon now as I am gone to RMN convo and starting my spiritual renewal time this year! You will find out that his collection is now housed permanently and you will discover new things about his healing machines, his journey and life too! I was reminded of him on our visit to Lucas this summer on our way home from MO and KS~

I wrote this museum today to tell them about Emory so they can include his name and find out about him too!

And I hope we can all find our HEALING MACHINES or ways to heal spiritually or physicall ---- like Emory who was in search of finding this for thirty years and making healing machine sculptures and paintings! Good luck and enjoy the journey with me!

I hope it is not too late to get going on art again too! Emory was 48 and embarked on a thirty year journey -- i just framed two of my photos for an art show this fall, made a card and I hope to do some unbarn drawings for a friend -- and hopefully that is my beginning trek back to where I started as a child with coloring books and crayons which i loved!

I hope to find some Emory Blagdon's on the way for inspiration and some rebarbs, some unbarns, some healings machines along with new discoveries!